I am ferocious, scary, angry I am full of sharp claws and fierce bite I am outer bear I am protective, scared, running, avoiding, ignoring I am fighting myself, my fears, my desires, my inner not enough monsters Hiding myself and presenting my outer bear to the world And yet… If I remember to breathe, to pause, to check in with myself I can surrender, give myself permission to soften Surrender my fierce hold on control, who I am, things I should Surrender the thoughts that life will be perfect once I complete this or that These thoughts that keep happiness and success and achievement always just out of reach, just round the next bend When I surrender to bear I can accept her protection, her claws, her fierceness, I can luxuriate in her fur and her warmth My inner bear I can surrender my fears and my monsters – she’s on it, she has it I can just be Me Vulnerable, imperfect, human Diane Oliver, Beltaine 2018
Musings from wandering about woodlands, paddling in the sea and meditating by rivers ...
May 2021